Sunday, December 14, 2008



Ever since I was a little kid, I knew that I wanted to be a superspy. While some girls may have dreamed about being a princess or mermaid, I wanted to be James Bond. In order to try and become more like the smooth-talking, knowledgeable, and generally awesome James, I directed my brothers and the neighbourhood kids in weekly re-enactments of Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and View to a Kill.

When you're older, you generally don't talk about fulfilling fantasies like that. When you're a kid, it's all well and good to say that you're going to grow up to be Spiderman, but is that really a socially acceptable answer beyond the age of eight? I would wager a bet that a huge majority of adults secretly nurse dreams of possessing telekinesis, or suddenly being recognized as the long lost monarch of England, or that destiny will fly down and give them a clear and defined purpose for existence. If we didn't think all these things, then what is the point of fiction? Seriously.

Why not admit it. I have always nurtured this dream of being super fast, super strong, perhaps possessing some supernatural powers, etc. So why the blog?

Basically, this is the direct result of a goal setting session I had with someone at my workplace. We were hashing out what exactly I wanted to do with my life, and somehow the topic got onto action heros. I expressed desire in becoming one. She replied with a "why not?" And here we are.

I have 90 days to train myself in the art of becoming a superspy. This means:

-Able to run for 20 minutes without stopping, for chasing bad guys.

-Able to scale rock climbing walls quickly and efficiently, in case I need to sneak into the third floor of a building and insert a bug into an sinister executive's office.

-Trained in the arts of self-defense. That means karate, aikido, jiu jitsu, kickboxing...and tai ch'i.

-Toned and sleek muscles, just to be on the safe side

-Basic explosive and dangerous substance chemistry, in case of poisoning or for creating explosive devices to destroy evil manufacturing plants

-Extreme flexibility, to enhance my ability to kick multiple bad guys at once. It will also help me squeeze through tight air ducts when doing some reconaissance missions. This means full splits on both sides.

-Able to swim laps for 30 minutes without stopping, in case I need to cross the English channel with vital information. While being chased by speedboats. In a thunderstorm.

-Begin eating a healthier diet, to nourish my superhuman body and mind.


-Able to Ballroom Dance, so that when attending fancy parties in foreign countries, I can schmooze on the dancefloor and gather some secret info while looking smooth.

How will I do this?

I am aiming to go to the gym or do something to get me closer to my goal every day for the next 90 days. I will also be featuring a superhero of the week, who will possess a different set of traits and skills that I will focus on. I will also be documenting my progress on this website in order to immortalize the journey, and prove that I can do anything if I set my mind to it.

With that in mind, let the 90 days begin!!!

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