Thursday, December 18, 2008

DAYS 4 & 5

Day 4 - Nothing eventful happened today, as I was writing a paper. On something top secret.

Day 5 - Today was a full day of work, and when I got home I had no energy to go out again to exercise, so I googled "Britney Spears' workout" and got this fantastic abs routine that I did while watching HGTV. Although Britney does 50 reps of each exercise, I was pretty good after only 25. However, this is one of the best ab routines I have ever done, so I am posting it here:

50 crunches (not sit-ups), not allowing the shoulders to touch the ground the entire time.

50 side crunches (25 on each side), not allowing the shoulders to touch the ground.

50 opposite-toe-touches: lying on the back, stick both legs straight up into the air. Lifting the head, neck, and shoulders off the ground, touch the left fingertips to the right foot, and then the right fingertips to the left foot. Repeat, while keeping head, neck and shoulders off the ground.

50 reverse crunches: Lying on the back, stick the legs up in the air at a 90 degree angle from the floor, and lower to the ground, not allowing the feet to touch the floor. Lift back to original position, repeat.

No wonder she's the princess of pop with this kind of routine.

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