Saturday, December 27, 2008

DAYS 9-14

Okay, so I fell off the exercise bandwagon a little, but it is Christmas, season of guiltless carbs and excess fats that can enter your system through pure mitosis. 'Tis the season for gorging and such, but after days and days of glutting myself on a smorgasbord of calorie-ridden heaven, I have decided to seriously up things this week and work REALLY hard on getting back in shape.

To start:

So, as you can see, I am learning a Tai Chi Fan dance! I picked up the set tonight from Indigo, and it's actually very challenging. It came with a 2 lb steel fan, which makes this thing a huge workout. My living room is TINY however, so it isn't exactly in great shape yet...however, this beautiful fan dance is also deadly. Speed it up, and you've got a martial arts machine!!!! I love it!

Tomorrow: Gentle yoga practice in the morning, followed by an intense workout when I return home...Britney's ab routine, followed by squats and some cardio :D

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